Concerned by the downsides to classroom learning? ZF pro Academy programs can set your mind at ease.
In a fast-moving landscape for commercial vehicles maintenance, good training has become a vital tool for workshops and fleet depots trying to do everything faster, better and more economically. With the industry geared towards ever-greater efficiency, relentlessly maximizing assets by taking downtime and cost out of operations, having technicians acquainted with the latest systems, methodologies and diagnostic tools is absolutely vital. Training, however, is not without inherent challenges of its own.
While good training delivers huge long-term benefits, in the short-term, it can be a headache. In the modern era it presents the problem of maintaining Covid-safe protocols, raising the prospect of infection and the likelihood of quarantines – but even without the blight of the pandemic, setting aside intervals for training has been problematic. Time lost to attend classroom sessions and training workshops, stretching into days if that classroom is distant, can create precisely the sort of problem the program is intended to alleviate.
There are, however, alternatives.

WABCO Academy is a digital training platform supplying a broad portfolio of eLearning courses.
ZF [pro]Academy is a digital training platform supplying a broad portfolio of eLearning courses. It brings all of WABCO’s experience to bear in a competence center designed holistically to meet the diverse training needs of our international customer base. It optimizes training for a remote format, delivering everything a technician could learn in the classroom, in a safer and more timely manner, at a location infinitely more convenient.

The ZF [pro]Academy continues to host physical classroom sessions and on-site training activity, but we recognize this isn’t appropriate for everyone in the current climate. We have listened, and adapted our offering, refining the concept of the digital classroom to the point at which it can comfortably deliver an excellent training experience… remotely.
The Digital Classroom from ZF [pro]Academy is an online training experience combining live classes and interactive exercises, designed to share practical knowledge in a flexible and efficient manner. It allows participants to work at a pace best suited to their needs, cutting out physical proximity, reducing the downtime involved in absence, removing the costs associated with travel and accommodation. In doing so it creates something that is not only more time-efficient, but also more cost-effective, with greater sustainability.
We would not pretend the learning experience of the digital classroom is the same as the human interaction supplied at a physical location. Engagement in a virtual learning space is sometimes hard to manage – but we negate many of the complications inherent in distance learning via the provision of our interactive discussion forums. Participants are actively involved and may share their experience and network with others as they would do normally, in a physical classroom. The forums have proved to be very popular – to the extent many participants find the confidence to ask questions and share ideas in a way the more introverted among them would not have done in a physical classroom.
Our current Training Catalogue details the digital courses available at the ZF `{`pro`}`Academy, though our qualified trainer community is continually updating the offering.

Our current Training Catalogue details the digital courses available at the ZF [pro]Academy, though our qualified trainer community is continually updating the offering. eLearning is not a simply an emergency measure designed to ensure continuity during the pandemic, it is a long-term solution that will continue to grow with more courses added continually. So, check back often for further updates on ZF [pro]Academy offerings!