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System TiltAlert marki WABCO ostrzegający przed przechyłem umożliwia zapobieganie wypadkom podczas wyładunku towarów na nierównej powierzchni. Szybka i bezpieczna realizacja dostaw w trudnych lokalizacjach.

Niektóre z najpoważniejszych zagrożeń dla bezpieczeństwa kierowcy i pojazdu mogą wystąpić pod koniec dostawy. Na przykład proces rozładunku niesie ze sobą ryzyko upuszczenia i uszkodzenia ładunku, a także powoduje niebezpieczeństwo dla osób stojących lub pracujących w pobliżu i w najbliższym otoczeniu.

The truck and trailer can be at risk of rolling to the side while tipping and when proper precautions aren’t taken this can be costly in many ways. You can minimise the risk of any unloading issues with TiltAlert from WABCO.

TiltAlert do przyczep

There are many variables in the delivery and logistics industries that you have limited control over, one of which is the delivery environment. Construction sites and areas where unloading takes place can vary, increasing the difficulty for drivers – which is where TiltAlert can be a huge help.

Designed purely for tipper trailers, TiltAlert can assist in unloading cargo on a non-horizontal surface. It has numerous features that will help make this a trouble-free procedure and reduce the chance of encountering problems.

Dzięki systemowi TiltAlert marki WABCO można zminimalizować ryzyko wystąpienia problemów podczas rozładunku.

Funkcje systemu TiltAlert

TiltAlert does exactly what its name suggests. Its main utility is to alert the driver when it detects that the trailer chassis isn’t horizontal to the ground and there’s the possibility that the trailer may lurch or fall to one side when the tipper is lifted.

WABCO TiltAlert also monitors the inclination of the tipper chassis – you can pre-program a threshold at which you’d like the driver to be alerted. Once it reaches that angle, the driver will get both audio and visual cues, allowing them to rectify the situation and prevent spoiled cargo and trailer damage.

This can be in the truck cabin via OptiLink™ – which will warn the driver and show the lateral inclination of the vehicle chassis – or on the trailer at the SmartBoard. Even more simply, you can have a lamp or buzzer present to warn the driver.

Wykonywanie rozładunku na nierównej powierzchni może być niebezpieczne. Stosowanie technologii TiltAlert pozwala uniknąć wypadków podczas realizacji dostaw.

Korzyści dla floty z systemu TiltAlert

There are numerous benefits to deploying TiltAlert across your fleet, as it can reduce the incidence of accidents during unloading processes – something your tipper trailers will be doing most days.

This will mean fewer issues with cargo and safety, as well as less damage to trailers and surrounding areas, making it cost effective.

There’s an efficiency boost with TiltAlert too – the automatic alerts will tell the driver to change the position of the trailer without having to leave the cab, or before an unloading problem rears its head, speeding up both the loading and unloading of cargo. Apply TiltAlert to your vehicles for a leaner and safer fleet.