Prevent trailer overload, chassis damage, inefficient journeys and fines with Overload Indicator. Improves vehicle, driver safety and reduce damage risks.
Transporting bulk freight such as coal, wood and soil presents many of the same challenges and opportunities as regular fleet management. The main difference is generally the heavier cargo weight due to the nature of what is transported. This has a direct impact on trucks and trailers, alongside legal regulations, such as the Directive (EU) 2015/719, which determines maximum weight and dimensions for road safety reasons and to avoid damage to roads, tunnels and bridges.
Avoiding overloading trailers is important to remain compliant with loading regulations and steer clear of fines. It can also help prevent damage to the chassis – leading to preventable vehicle downtime and additional maintenance costs. Unless there is a truck scale or weighbridge at the point of dispatch though, vehicles will have to drive to a weighing machine and back again to unload if it is overloaded. This adds a considerable amount of time onto your operations, alongside extra fuel costs and emissions produced.
Overload Indicator simplifies the process by alerting drivers when their vehicles are overloaded before they set off. It makes it far more efficient as they know at which point to stop loading when it is already fully loaded and avoid being caught and fined driving a truck and trailer with cargo exceeding legal regulations.
Overload Indicator simplifies the process by alerting drivers when their vehicles are overloaded before they set off.
Overload Indicator for trailers
WABCO’s Overload Indicator brings cargo loading back under your control by measuring the load on the trailer axles and letting you know when a trailer is over capacity. The solution also allows for loading to take place while the driver is safely in the cabin, minimising unnecessary risk on site and increasing operating efficiency. One of the many solutions that make up WABCO’s Intelligent Trailer Program Overload Indicator, helps to increase load efficiency in your fleet. Trailer axle loads are displayed on the WABCO Smartboard, via.
Overload Indicator works by alerting the driver upon overload via an external lamp, through OptLink or on a WABCO SmartBoard. This enables the driver to manage the correct loading of the trailer to the maximum allowed level. The tool helps to improve vehicle stability and safety by measuring axle loads and pressure in the air suspension at low speeds – ensuring it remains within programmed values. Avoiding overload also prevents unnecessary damage to the chassis, reducing vehicle downtime and associated costs, including overload penalties.
WABCO’s Overload Indicator creates a smoother, more efficient operation, cutting out unnecessary driving time and fuel usage. Not only does it help to tick the boxes for a greener fleet, but also improves driver experience and vehicle performance for a safer, more efficient fleet operation.

Overload Indicator features
OptiLink™ or in TX-CONNECT when TX-TRAILERGUARD™ is installed – providing real-time data on the status of the loading process. The driver monitors load safely from the cabin, and in the event of overload will receive an instant warning alert, allowing him to save time by taking immediate action. Adjustments to correct the load can then be made safely before the vehicle begins its journey.
Some of the key features of Overload Indicator include:
- Continuously measures pressure in the air suspension at low speed and standstill to ensure it remains within programmed values
- Increases operating efficiency and safety by measuring axle loads and warning of overload.
- Overload alert indicated on an external lamp or on WABCO SmartBoard
- Trailer axle load levels are displayed on the WABCO SmartBoard, via OptiLink™ or in TX-CONNECT when TX-TRAILERGUARD™ is installed
- Helps to maximise trailer load while avoiding overload penalties
- Monitor loading status from the safety and comfort of the truck cabin
- Prevents damage to chassis
Investing in WABCO’s Overload Indicator will deliver a raft of benefits to help improve the safety and efficiency of your fleet operation.