A Quarterly Look at the World of WABCO
Product News
ZF Launches Two New Advanced Driver Assistance Systems for OE Applications
+ ReAX™ Adaptive Steering Enhances Vehicle Control and Ergonomics, Delivers a More Comfortable Driver Experience
ZF’s ReAX Adaptive Steering provides drivers with a more comfortable driving experience that can help increase maneuverability, reduce fatigue and improve safety.
By combining the benefits of electronically assisted power steering with the traditional hydraulic power steering needed to guide heavy commercial vehicles, ReAX creates a desirable driving experience. At low speeds, ReAX makes it easier to turn the steering wheel and maneuver the vehicle (it even returns the wheel to the center position automatically). This increase in maneuverability improves the vehicle’s performance in parking lots and loading docks, enhancing the driver’s efficiency. At highway speeds, ReAX provides a firmer on-center feel, enabling a more ergonomic driving experience.
ReAX utilizes sensor technology that is capable of calculating the driver’s input 1000 times per second, compensating for any torque input (such as crosswinds, road crowning and adverse road conditions). This decreases the physical impact on the driver, thereby helping to reduce driver fatigue, increase driver awareness and improve overall vehicle safety—all of which help fleets retain and recruit quality drivers.
+ OnTraX Lane Keep Assist Technology is the Next Step in Advanced Safety
Unintended lane departure is the only accident category that’s on the rise, accounting for 32 percent of all crashes*. Given the safety implication and the fact that the typical lane departure accident can cost in the area of $53,000**, a growing number of fleets are investing in Lane Keep Assist Technology (LKAS).
Unintended lane departure is the only accident category that’s on the rise, accounting for 32 percent of all crashes*. Given the safety implication and the fact that the typical lane departure accident can cost in the area of $53,000**, a growing number of fleets are investing in Lane Keep Assist Technology (LKAS).
In short, LKAS helps drivers keep their vehicle within the lane boundaries by providing a steering command related to the vehicle position, lateral velocity and lane curvature. By combining information from the road, vehicle, front camera and ReAX adaptive steering modules, the OnTraX LKAS system is designed to optimize steering control for the vehicle. This can reduce unintended lane departures, increase driver awareness while reducing driver fatigue, and aid in collision mitigation involving lane departures. For fleets interested in increasing driver efficiency and safety, the OnTraX LKAS system is a smart choice.
*Crash Trends and Active Safety, UMTRI: Transportation Research Institute, University of Michigan; Carol Flannagan, PH.D.
**Accident Data US DOT FMCSA, Pocket Guide to large Truck and Bus Statistics, 2016
ZF CVCS Expands OnGuardACTIVE® Collision Mitigation Retrofit Portfolio
The WABCO OnGuardACTIVE Collision Mitigation Retrofit Kit is a radar-based system that can assist drivers with recognizing and responding to potentially dangerous driving scenarios with moving or stationary vehicles ahead. During the Heavy Duty Aftermarket Week (HDAW) virtual event in January, ZF announced the availability of five additional WABCO OnGuardACTIVE retrofit kits, enabling fleets to install the advanced active safety technology on most Freightliner P3 Cascadia 2013-2020 model year vehicles.
A clear verification system requirements is required before a vehicle can be retrofitted with OnGuardACTIVE. Customers can determine if their vehicle is compatible using the new OnGuardACTIVE vehicle Qualification survey.
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