A Quarterly Look at the World of WABCO
Marketing Report
+ Podcast Highlights ZF CVCS’s Total Support for Aftermarket Customers

When distributor, dealer, fleet and repair shop professionals want expert information and advice on heavy-duty parts for the commercial transport industry, they turn to The Heavy-Duty Parts Report podcast.
Recently, the podcast invited leaders from ZF CVCS to chat about the Division’s total support for its aftermarket customers. In front of the mic were Abe Aon, who at the time of recording was Business Leader, Aftersales, Service & Support – North America, and Collin Shaw, Marketing & Communications Leader – North America.
During the 21-minute podcast, the duo explained how becoming a part of the ZF family will empower the Division to provide aftermarket customers with an even higher level of service and support. They also reiterated the team’s excitement over “taking full ownership of the aftermarket” in March of last year (resulting from the end of an exclusive distribution agreement with Meritor, Inc.) and now being able to directly provide the entire WABCO aftermarket product line to OE service providers and aftermarket distributors.
Finally, the podcast provided the two gentlemen with an opportunity to emphasize ZF CVCS’s “Partner In Uptime” mantra—a pledge to provide customers with WABCO-branded products, services and support to help maximize vehicle uptime and reduce cost-per-mile at every stage of the service lifecycle.
+ Stay Up-to-Date with Our Latest Literature Releases

To provide customers with the highest level of service possible, ZF CVCS continuously pursues ways to innovate new products and services, and update ones we already offer. For this reason, we often publish new literature. Here are the latest release:
- SP18048: OnSide® Blind Spot Detection System Retrofit (Updated) – Download File »
- SP18051: WABCO Retrofit Solutions Overview (Updated) – Download File »
- SP18059: EasyFit™ Automatic Slack Adjuster Aftermarket Brochure (Updated) – Download File »
- SP19069: Customer Care Center Brochure – Mexico (New) – Download File »
- SP19075: Remanufactured Air Compressors for Cummins Applications (New) – Download File »
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Thanks for checking out the latest issue of the WABCO News Brake.
We hope you enjoyed reading all about the new and exciting things that are happening in the world of WABCO. You can always learn more by visiting us at ZF Aftermarket . Be sure to look for our next issue in just a few months. Until then, we wish you all the best. Take care and we’ll see you down the road! Visit Our Website >