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Diagnostics software price

The full software package contains all language versions of the available programs. You will also receive access to all software updates and programs for new systems. Here are latest prices for the Diagnostic Services license (price per package):

Full Software Package
First Year License subscription (ref. 246 301 900 0): EUR 2,361
Per following year (ref. 246 301 910 0): EUR 935

Sub-package Bus
First License subscription (ref. 246 301 902 0): EUR 1,631
Per following year (ref. 246 301 912 0): EUR 568

Sub-package Truck
First Year License subscription (ref. 246 301 904 0): EUR 1,631
Per following year (ref. 246 301 964 0): EUR 568

Sub-package Trailer
First License subscription (ref. 246 301 901 0): EUR 938
Per following year (ref. 246 301 911 0): EUR 432

All fees exclude the current rate of VAT. The subscription has a duration of one year, beginning on the day we have received your payment.

After receiving your payment, we will automatically send you the access codes for the download of the diagnostic software. The subscription includes all language versions and updates, as well as diagnostic software for new systems added to a package during the subscription period.

A subscription can be cancelled with six weeks’ notice at the end of its duration period. For the remaining period, no fees will be refunded. If no notice is given, the subscription fee for the following year must be paid in due time at the end of the subscription period. In this case, you will receive an invoice.

If a package is upgraded (e.g. from the trailer sub-package to the full software package), the initial fee paid will also be charged in the following years. Any amounts already paid in the running subscription period will be charged to your account.

NB: In most of the programs, the program functions are PIN-protected. The PIN is not issued in connection with the subscription. As the functions facilitate safety related modifications of the vehicle settings, the PIN is issued only after a special training.